
Articles Posted in Employment Discrimination


Federal Court Grants Summary Judgment to Employer in Georgia Man’s Employment Discrimination and Defamation Lawsuit

In order to be successful in an Atlanta employment discrimination lawsuit, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his or her case by a preponderance of the evidence. This requires time, skill, and perseverance, so it is important to talk to an attorney who is experienced in this field of…


Federal Court Dismisses Georgia Woman’s Gender-Based Employment Discrimination Claim

There are several different types of unlawful conduct that may be asserted in an Atlanta employment discrimination lawsuit: Sex discrimination, race or color discrimination, age discrimination, national origin discrimination, religious discrimination, and/or disability discrimination. As with other types of civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his or…


Federal Court Denies College’s Motion to Dismiss Georgia Woman’s Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

In an Atlanta employment discrimination case, the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff. In order to succeed at trial, the plaintiff must be able to prove each and every element of his or her case. Of course, the defendant in such a case is often quick to seek dismissal…


Federal Court Strikes Pro Se Plaintiff’s “Reply” to Former Employer’s Answer to Employment Discrimination Claim

As seasoned Atlanta employment discrimination attorneys, we struggle to understand why anyone would choose to represent himself or herself in a lawsuit against a current or former employer. Perhaps, those who make such a dangerous and dubious decision do so because they simply do not know what they do not…


Georgia Worker’s Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Seeking Redress Under Title VII and ADEA Dismissed as Untimely

When it comes to legal matters, such as an Atlanta employment discrimination lawsuit, time is of the essence. When a claim is not filed within the time allowed by law, it will, in all likelihood, be dismissed by the court. While there are a limited number of circumstances in which…


Dismissal of ADA and FMLA Claims Affirmed by 11th Circuit, the Court to Which Federal Cases Arising in Georgia Are Heard on Appeal

An Atlanta employment lawsuit can arise from an employer’s alleged violation of several different state and federal laws, including both the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Medical Leave Act. However, it should be pointed out that the plaintiff has the burden of proving each and every element of…


Pregnancy Discrimination Claim Fails, According to Federal Circuit Court That Also Hears Appeals from Georgia Employment Law Cases

There are certain types of discrimination that are unlawful in the workplace. This includes discrimination based upon gender, age, and race, as well as discrimination against someone simply because she is pregnant. An Atlanta employment discrimination lawsuit is one way for an employee to seek money damages and other legal…


Federal Court Hearing Georgia Woman’s Retaliation Case Rules Partially in Her Favor, Partially in Employer’s Favor, on Motion to Dismiss

An Atlanta employment discrimination case can be complex, with multiple allegations and several different theories of recovery. For example, a worker may allege that he or she has been treated in a way that runs afoul of state or federal anti-discrimination laws. The employee may further allege a claim for…


Georgia Police Officer’s Race and Sex Discrimination Claims Dismissed on Summary Judgment

An Atlanta employment lawsuit can arise in many different contexts. The legal remedies that may be available to a person whose employer has acted in violation of the law can vary, depending upon the circumstances. It is important to note that the plaintiff in such a case has the burden…


Georgia Court Employee’s Pro Se Case Dismissed for Failure to Name Correct Defendant in Suit Claiming Employment Discrimination

Having knowledgeable and assertive legal representation in an Atlanta employment discrimination case is crucial. Although the law allows those who choose to represent themselves the freedom to do so, this is almost never a good idea. Unfortunately, a Georgia woman (who, ironically, worked for the court system against which she…

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