
Articles Posted in Flex Pay


‘Donning’ and ‘Doffing,’ Reasonable Time Versus Actual Time, and What It Takes for Pay Practices to Comply with the FLSA

One of the more thorny Fair Labor Standards Act issues for employers is ensuring proper compensation of employees who spend time doing activities that are essential but tangential to their jobs. Even if workers spend only minutes each day on these activities, the law says they are entitled to payment…


Flex Pay, Fluctuating Workweeks, and How the Fair Labor Standards Act Impacts Workers Working Those Kinds of Jobs

Many workers’ work schedules vary from week to week, both in terms of schedules and the total number of hours worked. The law allows employers whose employees work fluctuating workweeks several options for compensating those workers. Other methods for paying fluctuating-workweek employees, however, run afoul of the Fair Labor Standards…

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