
Articles Posted in FMLA


FMLA Retaliation and Interference Cases Against Public Employers

Potential Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) violations might seem like straightforward black-and-white issues. Often, though, they are not. The FMLA contains many complex and nuanced elements. That is especially true if your FMLA matter involves an exceptional circumstance, such as when the family member requiring care is a military…


What a Recent FMLA Retaliation Case Demonstrates about the Importance of Where a Dispute is Litigated

Many variables may influence the eventual outcome when you decide to pursue (or need to defend) a Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) retaliation case. One that can sometimes be overlooked is where the case gets litigated. As a recent FMLA retaliation case from Oklahoma illustrates, the law is not…


Job-Related Protections the FMLA Provides to Workers Returning from Leave

In 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) published a fact sheet regarding certain protections that the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) affords workers who take covered leave. One of the keys is that the FMLA “provides job-protected leave from work.” That protection means not…


FMLA Eligibility and the Range of Relationships that Can Qualify as ‘In Loco Parentis’

Today, relationships are more complex than ever — including familial interactions and duties. An adult incapable of caring for herself may rely on a niece/nephew, sibling, cousin, or other non-parental relative to meet all her care needs. When that happens, the caregiver may need periods away from work. Workers and…


The Situations that Do (and Do Not) Entitle a Father-to-Be to FMLA Leave Before the Child is Born

Welcoming a new child is often a joyous experience. It also can involve challenges that create a need to miss work. Taking an absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act may be an option for some. However, Employers and employees should note that not all pre-birth absences are covered…


What the Law Says About Employees Returning to Work After Their 12 Weeks of FMLA Leave Has Expired

A worker experiencing health difficulties presents challenges for the employee… and her employer. Employers should proceed carefully, ensuring that any potentially adverse actions they take do not run afoul of federal law. A misstep in this regard could harm not just the worker but also the employer’s business if it…


FMLA Rights, Workplace Discipline, and ‘Temporal Proximity’ in Federal Retaliation Cases

The Family and Medical Leave Act provides workers with many important statutory rights, including ones designed to protect employees from inappropriate workplace punishment for exercising their rights, or wrongful denial of benefits. These rights and protections are not unlimited, and they are not a “straitjacket” on employers preventing them from…


The Importance of Proper Documentation — Including Medical Certification — in the FMLA Leave Process

Whether you are a worker who needs to take time off from work or an employer, it is well worth your while to become familiar with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and its rights and obligations. The FMLA offers essential rights to certain employees, but those rights are…


Firing a Worker on FMLA Leave and the Law of FMLA Retaliation

Sometimes, a worker’s requesting or taking Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) will cause an unethical employer to fire that employee wrongfully. Other times, though, a legally compliant employer legitimately needs to fire an employee on FMLA leave. Whether you are an employee caught in the former scenario or an…


The Price of Non-Compliance: An Automaker in Alabama to Pay $438K for Engaging in Illegal FMLA Retaliation

The Family and Medical Leave Act grants substantial rights to workers and has the potential to impose significant penalties on employers who fail to comply with the law, as an employer in neighboring Alabama found out recently. Given how costly a violation can be (either to you as an employer…

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